Hi guys, we love games, everybody does! ) And of course we love Ubisoft and their best seller series Assassin’s Creed. Fans of this game can say for sure that Unity was a fail of Ubisoft and everybody had so much hopes on the latest part of AC Syndicate. So let’s review this game and get answer on the question is the Syndicate good or not.
One guy from our team has spent a lot of time past week in Victorian London, he was running across rooftops, has been involved in few murders, has met Jacob and Evie Frye.
Obviously, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, looks like Ubisoft’s multimillion dollar apology for what came before it. Ubisoft has been very careful this time to avoid putting a foot wrong. Let’s take a look at the evidence.

Bug Resolving
Ubisoft is a famous bug maker company bot not at this time. If you’ve played the Syndicate you’ll say for sure that there are not any significant technical problems. Soon after Unity’s release Ubisoft pushed a gigantic patch with size 6.70 GB but with the latest game the update was just about 500mb. We wish Ubisoft to find better QA specialists and avoid such problems.
Political positioning
The second big advance appears to be Ubisoft choosing to be on the right side of history in the on-going gaming culture was. For example last yeae Unity got a lot of problems for the fact that players couldn’t play as a woman, but in the multiplayer mode only. Ubisoft then only made things worse by defending themself that they cant include women because coding women is too difficult, back off humanity!
The game looks really good, interesting and without significant bugs. I believe we have finally got a brilliant well-designed game for our fan. The apology from Ubisoft for Unity is accepted.